Brookgate plans 1m sq ft of offices and labs at Cambridge North

Developer Brookgate Land is preparing plans for a 960,300 sq ft offices and life sciences scheme in phase two of its Cambridge North scheme.

The development will comprise two office buildings and three labs. It also includes a mobility hub with 1,031 car parking spaces, a temporary car park of 379 spaces, a wildlife habitat area and a Network Rail compound area, which will enable works and associated infrastructure.

Bidwells, which is acting on behalf of Brookgate Land, has submitted a request for a formal scoping opinion with Greater Cambridge Shared Planning.

The scoping request was made on behalf of The Chesterton Partnership, which comprises landowners Network Rail and DB Cargo and their development partner Brookgate Land.

The plans will be the third iteration of proposals for this phase of the scheme, ahead of the first plans to be formally lodged. The developer initiated plans in 2017, with a second proposal in 2020. This phase has now removed the residential element, opting to focus purely on office and lab space, with residential to come later.

The hybrid application includes plans for a seven-storey office called One Milton Avenue and two lab buildings of up to five storeys. The mobility hub will have up to seven levels of car parking with amenity and retail space at ground level. An outline application will see a further lab and office building of up to eight storeys, separated by Chesterton Square.

The development site spans 24 acres within the former Chesterton Sidings, adjacent to Cambridge North station.

The Chesterton Partnership secured planning permission in 2018 for a hotel at Two Cambridge Square and an office at One Cambridge Square. Schroder’s UK Real Estate Fund has agreed £45m funding for a 99,743 sq ft office.


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Photo © Phil Mynott