Briefing: Age concern

The population is ageing dramatically. By 2037, 106 of the 326 English local authorities will have 30% or more of their population aged 65 or over, according to research by Barton Willmore. In 2012, just three authorities had more than 30% of over-65s. For retirement home developers and healthcare providers, this signals major opportunities. But to deal with an ageing population, local authorities must put in place specific planning policies, says Barton Willmore. According to its research, of the 30 local authorities expected to have the greatest proportion of over-65s by 2037, 43% had few or no policies in place

“As older people retire, there is a strong case for creating quality and attractive retirement housing outside urban centres for those who would like to move or downsize – freeing up space in city and economic centres, alleviating pressure on our stretched housing supply”

David Murray-Cox, associate planner at Barton Willmore

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