Briefing:  Rates winners and losers

The seven-year hiatus in rating revaluations means some enormous changes around the country, for all types of occupiers.

But it is worth remembering that the fiscally neutral business rates revaluation, which rakes in £28bn, means the government always comes out on top.

“The drastic changes we’re seeing call into question the government’s whole rates reform agenda,” says Mark Rigby, chief executive at CVS.

“Should we be tampering with the appeals process, ratepayers’ rights and even rates devolution at a time when a postponed revaluation has just caused huge upheaval? Most businesses, I believe, would say no.”

London Rates 2017

Regional averages % Change 2010-17
England 9.1
Wales -2.9
North East -1.1
North West -0.2
Yorkshire and the Humber -0.3
East Midlands 7.2
West Midlands 2.9
East 3.9
London 22.8
South East 8.6
South West 3.8

UK rates 2017