BNP Paribas pulls way ahead of rivals to top West Yorkshire rankings

BNP Paribas Real Estate is significantly outperforming other agents in the EG Radius rankings for West Yorkshire, transacting nearly twice as much office space as its nearest challenger.

The rankings, which do not include deals under NDAs, show that BNP PRE acted on 160,048 sq ft of lettings and occupational sales between 1 January and 12 April. The second and third placed agents handled 86,729 sq ft and 55,699 sq ft respectively.

The results were revealed by the EG Radius On-Demand Rankings, a new tool to provide a snapshot view of the latest commercial property deals and which agents are landing them across the UK.

Powered by data from the 200-plus agents signed up to Radius Data Exchange, the rankings mean you no longer have to wait for monthly or quarterly league tables to see how companies, cities and sectors are performing. Click here to try them yourself.

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