Bidwells holds top spot in Cambridge

Bidwells has once again taken top position in EG’s Radius Cambridge league table 2020, with 393,724 sq ft transacted in 2019-2020. This is an increase of 2,869 sq ft from the company’s total in our last Cambridge league table.

Bidwells led the largest deal in the city, alongside JLL, in which Apple’s European division took 79,453 sq ft at 30 Station Road.

Cheffins regained second place with 28 deals, equalling its total from last year but with average deal size more than doubling to 8,445 sq ft.

Despite Covid-19 affecting deal flow for much of this year, activity has held up well. The overall average deal size increased by 11% from last year to reach 7,616 sq ft. The total number of deals also rose.

Picture © Geoff Robinson Photography/Shutterstock