BHS landlords vote yes to CVA

BHS-THUMBBHS is proceeding with a company voluntary arrangement after a majority of landlords voted in favour of the process.

Following the creditors meeting this morning, 95% of creditors voted in favour of the CVA.

Landlords will now face rent reductions across their portfolios.

The worst affected are those that have a BHS store in category three of the CVA document, where only 20% of the rent will be paid for the next 10 months, many of which will then be forced to close.

There are an additional 47 shops which will pay 75% or 50% of their rents.

Chief executive David Topp said earlier this week that he was confident that the CVA would go ahead.  It needed 75% of creditors to vote in favour of it.

The CVA will take effect from 29 March and under the terms the shops can continue to trade as normal.

However, BHS has warned that it still needs extra funding to trade beyond 25 March and is looking to raise £100m.

CVA sends ripples through investment market >>

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