‘All is not on pause’. Good news for regen schemes and EG’s race survey results

LISTEN On this week’s We’re Still Here podcast, host Emily Wright is back and is joined by editor Samantha McClary for a good, old-fashioned round-up of the week’s biggest stories.

If you missed any of our content in print, this podcast is the place to catch up as we delve into everything from the new guard shaking up some of real estate’s biggest and most traditional companies to why “all is not on pause” as local authorities prepare to press the reset button on major regeneration schemes.

Also this week, we highlight some of the key findings from EG’s race diversity survey and discover a big discrepancy between the perceived size of the problem and the reality. If you read one thing this week, make it these results, which you can find here.

To send feedback, e-mail emily.wright@egi.co.uk or tweet @EmilyW_9 or @estatesgazette