Advertising specifications

Click on the product below to read the full specification

Leaderboard MPU Solus Email (bespoke)
Solus Email (template) Email Banner Composite EG Update
Jobs Online Display Propertylink Print Advertising
EG Digital Edition


All digital creative must be sent through FIVE WORKING DAYS PRIOR to the agreed delivery date.
For print advertising, please speak to your account manager.


  • 728 x 90 pixels (72 dpi)
  • File size must not be larger than 60KB
  • We can accept animated .gif, .png, .jpg or third party tags
  • Please supply a clickthrough URL / weblink
  • If you have booked a PropertyLink Keyword campaign, please also supply a mobile leaderboard of 320 x 50 pixels

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  • 300 x 250 pixels (72 dpi)
  • File size must not be larger than 60KB
  • We can accept animated .gif, .png, .jpg or third party tags
  • Please supply a clickthrough URL / weblink

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  • Please provide copy as a HTML file – it should consist of both images and text
  • HTML code must be supplied in a <table> tag structure of no more than 600 pixels wide
  • CSS / stylesheets must not be used to format emails or to create responsive design (mobile optimisation). All formatting must be created as inline HTML within the table itself. Any CSS written outside of the 600px table will be removed and may affect your design
  • All images need to be in a .gif, .png or .jpg format only (file size for images must not total more than 250KB – we cannot accept files saved as tiff etc)
  • All graphics should be hosted on a live server and referenced as absolute URLs within the creative
  • Please ensure the server hosting the images has sufficient bandwidth to cope with high volumes of traffic on the day of send
  • Ensure your call to action is well placed, ideally above the fold and utilised in a way that it follows on from other copy in a coherent and logical manner
  • Do not use <body>, <p>, <p style> or <div> tags as these are removed by some email service providers
  • Animated gifs do not display correctly from Outlook 2007 onwards
  • Do not use background images <bg> as these are removed by most email service providers
  • Flash and Rich Media files cannot be used in emails
  • Do not include your own unsubscribe links
  • Do not use unique / custom design fonts. Ensure web-friendly fonts, hyperlink text, colours and sizes are consistent throughout the message
  • Please avoid including telephone numbers where possible and note that we are unable to track email address clickthroughs
  • Please be aware that supplying HTML design will render the email unresponsive on mobile. As such,  a single column layout is recommended as best practice across platforms.  If you wish to ensure that your email is fully responsive,  please supply copy for the Solus Email (Template) instead.
  • A subject header for the email
  • An approver’s email address(es). A proof email will be sent to you to check the set up of the campaign
  • The copy consists of one large graphic, or copy made entirely of images, due to image blockers / spam filters
  • The html has been sent out or built via any bulk email send system / CRM (e.g. Hubspot, Dotmailer, Mailchimp etc)
  • html is designed to include Cascade Style Sheeting (CSS), or JavaScript
  • html is designed in a word processing package (e.g. Word for Windows, FrontPage) or InDesign
  • The copy is supplied as a PDF

Clients are permitted to supply their own HTML design (in accordance with the spec above) for the following products: EG Updates, EG Requirements, EG Developments, EG Occupiers.  

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  • Headline and Tagline
  • Main image must be 610 pixels wide, in a gif or jpg format (max file size 150kb). We recommend a depth / height. of no more than 350 pixels.
  • Max 150 words of text for body of email
  • Clickthrough URL
  • Web friendly logos if required (max file size 40kb)

Mobile optimised template solution are available with no additional cost the following:
EG Updates, EG Requirements, EG Developments, EG Occupiers

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  • 600×90 pixels
  • .gif, .png, or .jpg images are accepted
  • Static .gifs are strongly recommended. Note that animated .gif’s do not display correctly in Outlook version 2007 onwards,  so please ensure that the first frame carries the main message, if only for a fraction of a second.
  • File size should not exceed 30kb
  • Please supply a clickthrough URL / weblink

Banner positions are available on the following emails:
EG AM and PM Alerts, EG Legal and the weekly EG Digital Edition email.

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  • 161px x 161px image supplied
    as .jpg or static .gif
  • Headline of 8 words or less
  • Blurb of 50 words or less
  • Clickthrough URL to relevant webpage or download
  • Email address for approval

** Please note that telephone numbers are not permitted on this email **

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  • 160 x 600 pixels
  • File size must not be larger than 60KB
  • We can accept animated .gif, .png, .jpg or third party tags
  • Please supply a clickthrough URL / weblink


  • 970 x 250 pixels
  • File size must not be larger than 80KB
  • We can accept animated .gif, .png, .jpg or third party tags
  • Please supply a clickthrough URL / weblink

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  • 160 x 600 pixels
  • File size must not be larger than 60KB
  • We can accept static .gif, .png, or .jpgs
  • Please supply a clickthrough URL / weblink


  • 728×90 pixels
  • File size must not be larger than 80KB
  • We can accept static .gif, .png, or.jpgs
  • Please supply a clickthrough URL / weblink


  • 320 x50 pixels
  • File size must not be larger than 80KB
  • We can accept static .gif, .png, or .jpgs
  • Please supply a clickthrough URL / weblink


  • 300 x 250 pixels
  • File size must not be larger than 80KB
  • We can accept static .gif, .png or .jpgs
  • Please supply a clickthrough URL / weblink

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The print specification and deadlines for EG have now changed.

For further details please contact your account manager or the print production department at

Click here to view the magazine front cover guidelines

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  • Logo, as a .jpg and preferably on a transparent background. No PDFs of logos please.
  • Company website, office address, general email address and phone number for queries
  • A short company blurb and/or summary of their services
  • Start and end dates for membership
  • Email address of the membership user

Featured Properties/Listings

  • Photos: maximum size 800 pixels x 600 pixels
  • PDF brochure of property/land: no bigger than 5MB as this is the max file size that our system accepts
  • Full address for property/land, including full postcode
  • Contact name, email address and phone number
  • Property type (leisure, office, residential etc)
  • Property/land description ideally including size, rent/for sale amount
  • Link to the property on their own website (if available), so we may add this to the description

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