The curious case of the leaking concrete

When concrete leaked into one of Northumbrian Water’s sewers from a building site, it no doubt expected that it would be compensated for the damage. Stuart Pemble explains why the courts gave it an unpleasant surprise

Widening the net

Legal notes: The Court of Appeal has upheld the enforceability of a net contribution clause in an architect’s appointment. Stuart Pemble looks at the implications

Legal notes: agent provocateur

Green J’s judgment in Northampton Regional Livestock Centre Co Ltd v Cowling [2014] EWHC 30 (QB); [2014] PLSCS 30 could well become compulsory…

Do I owe a duty of care?

Stuart Pemble considers the difficulty the courts face when determining whether a professional might owe a third party a duty of care

No limitation?

A recent Court of Appeal decision has given the unsuccessful party to an adjudication the opportunity to have its dispute heard in court even though the contractual limitation period had expired